The museum will be OPEN:
- on January 2nd and 4th, 2024.
You can visit the instrument gallery from 10 am to 3 pm, also with the App MARSS.
Tickets: https://www.emma4culture.com/museoastronomicodibrera/shop/tickets.
At 3 pm, there will be a guided tour of the MusAB instrument gallery and the Schiaparelli’s dome with an astronomer (in italian).
The duration of the tour is approximately 90 minutes.
Reservations are required, you can book at:
- on January 6th and 7th, 2024, the museum will be managed by RnB4Culture.
For more information and reservations, please visit:
Please note that the museum will be CLOSED from December 23rd, 2023, to January 2nd, 2024.